Winter Floral


Floral drawing and texture exercise, turned into digital wallpapers. Download the 1440x900 version (best for your desktop) here and the 640 × 1136 (best for your phone) here!


Errand Girls


Inspired by the unsung heroes and (probably) unpaid interns I observed hustling around Manhattan during NYFW S/S 13. Download the desktop wallpaper here and mobile here!


Hoi Is Dutch for Hi!


Was feeling very home-away-from-home sick upon returning to New York after an incredible trip to Holland. I found myself drawing canal houses all over the place and decided to paint myself a poster. A pattern based on similar subjects with similar line quality in the works.


Pattern x Texture

Experimenting with traditional printmaking techniques. Pattern explorations were created through Intaglio practices, etching into copper plates and then submerging them in acid. While my plates were cooking in the acid bath, I cut out corresponding color-blocked shapes. I inked the plates and ran them through the press to create the black lines, and later ran the prints back through the press with my shapes arranged to complete each piece. All prints developed unique patterns while maintaining the constant, etched design.